Sunday, August 1, 2010

The Mission - give the boys a run to burn off energy, and do something apart from the usual so they have something to write about when they get back to school on Monday. 
Another Beach Scene - this from a year ago, on one of those days we Wellingtonians know are definitive of winter. Brisk and chilly, but changing so fast that you never have a chance to get really cold as the sun breaks through and warms you just as fast as the wind takes the warmth away. We spent a long time collecting polished pieces of glass from the beach, and looking at pieces of kelp and seaweed tossed onto land by the swell. The boys were particularly interested in the natural bladders on the seaweed that helps it to float. 

There is a park across the road, behind us, where the boys enjoyed the long slide, and learned that first one down the slide after rain gets wet pants. You can't teach that,  and you can't tell boys. They complained that the sand was sticking to their trousers, and they were sniffling when we got back in the car. It made me particularly happy...Mission Accomplished.

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